Payment methods


The Urbana card is available from LPP ticket office, tourist information centres and most of the city's newspaper kiosks, news-stands and post offices.

The card is priced at €2.00 and can store up to €50.00 of credit to be spent on city bus fares.

The Urbana card can be topped up with cash at all the above-mentioned sales outlets and the green urbanomat ticket machines located across the city, mostly next to bus stops. The ticket machines accept both cash and credit and debit cards.

single journey fare is €1.30. It covers an up to 90-minute journey regardless of the number of buses needed to be changed to reach the destination.

Two versions of the Urbana card are available: the yellow top-up card and the green monthly card. The top-up card, available from all the above-mentioned sales outlets, is not issued in the cardholder's name so no identity document is required to obtain it. A single Urbana card can be used to pay for several people's fare. Such payments must be made to the driver, who selects the required number of fares on a special terminal.

The monthly card, which can, after the end of a monthly period, also be used as a top-up card, can  be purchased from LPP ticket office.


  • PAYMENT CARDS (Visa and Mastercard)

The option of using payment cards gives regular and occasional LPP users an easy solution at their fingertips – simple payment with a payment card, mobile wallet or other wearable device. When paying for rides with payment cards, a free-of-charge change between buses within 90 minutes is not possible.



LPP zones:

Urban, integrated, and interurban bus servicesalso run to the nearby places such as Škofljica, Medvode, Brezovica, Iška vas, Vodice, Brnik (Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport), Polhov Gradec, Grosuplje, Vrhnika, Borovnica, Logatec, Videm/Dobrepolje, and Ivančna Gorica.

The LPP bus service network is divided into three zones. The entire city area is within the LPP Zone 1.

  • Zone 1: The entire city area and the routes to Brezovica and Podpeč, Škofljica, and Smlednik.
  • Zone 2: The routes to Polhov Gradec, Preserje and Ig and Vodice.
  • Zone 3: The route to Rakitna and Grosuplje.

Such payments must be made to the driver, who selects the required number of fares on a special terminal.

ISO 14001:2015 potrjuje vzpostavite in vzdrževanje sistema vodenja s področja ravnanja z okoljem OHSAS 18001 je britanski standard za varnost in zdravje pri delu in sistem za upravljanje varnosti. Njegov namen je, da bi vse organizacije, ki jih uvedejo uveljavljale varnost in zdravje pri delu. Splošno je OHSAS 18001 najbolj priznani svetovni standard za varnost in zdravje pri delu in sistem za upravljanja varnosti. ISO 9001:2015 potrjuje vzpostavitev in vzdrževanje sistema vodenja kakovosti

S prijavo na e- novice soglašate, da Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet d.o.o. uporabi vaš elektronski naslov za namene obveščanja o novostih, ponudbi, splošnih informacijah, povezanih z dejavnostjo, ki jo izvaja Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet d.o.o., dogodkih, nagradnih igrah in drugih aktualnih zadevah ter poslovnih informacijah ter da izvaja analize o branju poslanih vsebin za lastne potrebe. Vaše osebne podatke (ime, priimek in elektronski naslov) Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet d.o.o. lahko obdeluje do preklica vaše privolitve.

Hkrati ste s prijavo na e-novice seznanjeni, da se iz sistema obveščanja (e-novic) lahko kadarkoli odjavite preko povezave, ki bo v vsakem sporočilu.

Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet d.o.o. se zavezuje, da elektronskega naslova ne bo posredoval, posodil ali prodal tretji osebi, brez predhodnega obvestila in pridobitve pisnega soglasja posameznika, in da bo vaše osebne podatke skrbno varoval v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov.

Osebne podatke o posamezniku/ici bo Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet d.o.o. obdeloval zgolj v okviru zgoraj naštetih namenov zbiranja.